Back to ER, hit by a car

Back to ER, hit by a car

Todays planned 100 miles ride was cut short at 55 miles when I got hit by a car. Just three weeks after the other bike accident. I was riding the Boulder course with coach Yoli and my team mate Evelyn who was sag wagon. The weather is beautiful and the sight is very clear. I saw the car and thought for sure the driver had seen me. The car was at a stop sign to the left of me, and I had the right away. No other cars were around.

Coach Yoli was about 50 meters ahead of me. I was riding 24 miles/hr, yes actually one of the few times I reached that speed on a flat road. 🙂 Suddenly the car accelerate out in front of me, I reacted by instinct and swerved right but couldn’t get away from the car fast enough. The car hit me on my left side, I flew on top on the car’s hood along with my bike and then fell down to the ground. The car stopped, Thank Goodness. The driver came out and said she never saw me and she apologized for hitting me. (Later she told the police she barely hit me and that I fell on top my bike, whatever!! ) The ambulance came and took me to ER. Again!!

End result no broken bones, but black and blue and sore everywhere. My left hip is hugely swollen and sore. But I’m still here!! 😀

Life doesn’t always go the way you want sometimes. I’m starting to wonder if I’m part of the “Final destination” movie without knowing it!! Ugh!!

**Please keep your eyes open for everything when you’re out biking. Don’t assume they see you, even if you do have the right away. Be aware. I have a feeling it might be worse when we’re getting closer to IMBoulder and everyone are out on training rides and cars that don’t pay attention. **

One thought on “Back to ER, hit by a car

  1. UGH!!! So sorry to here this Jeannete!! Things happen in 3s…I’m hopeful that between Dustin and you there are no more accidents. Take care of yourself and don’t make any assumptions about what others might do while you are on the road. 🙂

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